23 January 2007

ABC board member appears as commentator on ABC program

I'm surprised that yesterday's appearance on ABC RN's Breakfast program by Janet Albrechtsen (spelt "Albrechtson" on the program website) hasn't attracted more comment, given that Ms A is an ABC board member.

The program website describes her as "Columnist for The Australian Newspaper, Janet Albrechtson" (sic), but does not mention her ABC directorship. This raises several questions, including whether she was paid, what if any policies the ABC board has in place about its members appearing on the Corporation's programs (especially opinion ones) and why Ms A's board membership was not disclosed. Perhaps there's a job or two here for the ABC's new Director of Editorial Policies.

OARM (On a related matter) I think it's misleading to describe the Breakfast segment on which Ms A appeared as "Brekkie blog-spot". Many of the contributors, including her and Julian Burnside, who featured there today are not what I consider to be bloggers , as they do not maintain their own blogs. They do have platforms for their opinions Ms Albrechtsen has(apart from her seat on the ABC board) a column in The Australian was drawn, while Julian Burnside has a website which reflects many of his diverse range of interests.

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