15 March 2006

Our very own heart of darkness or the Premier's reading challenge?

This week's Bulletin runs an Adam Shand report hard on the heels of his Sunday TV piece about bikies and their SA connections. He's shone his torch into yet another dark side of Adelaide:
"the City of Churches but it’s also the city of brothels and kinky sex murderers, occultists, child molesters and psychopaths.

On this occasion he hasn't quoted any political figures apart from Ms Summers, who is a candidate for the Legislative Council at Saturday's election, which makes me wonder whether there is a cosy unstated agreement between the major parties to keep the topic under wraps. You might expect Family First to have something to say about it, but I've not found anything from them either.

Monday was Adelaide Cup day, so Mr Rann's party political broadcast delivered on TV in Sam Kekowich style (complete with po face and machine gun delivery) , was most appropriate. At the end of a long list of achievements and promises he mentioned the Premier's Reading Challenge one of his (and several other state premiers') worthiest projects. The website suggests that it's only available to school students, but perhaps Adam Shand has assumed that anyone can enter, as he
gave one of his sources ("a huge hirsute man mountain") a copy of Heart of Darkness, with an explanatory aside to his readers "Stormy’s is a place further up the river than Mr Kurtz could ever have imagined". Perhaps Shand attended last week's Writers' Week and assumed that most South Australians spend their time with their noses in books. If some of the things he's hinted at are true, maybe that's a good way to be.

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