01 March 2007

Homeless people inconvenienced

During the last few months parts of the East Parklands have been reclaimed by a group of people, whom the media describe as "homeless". I frequently walk or cycle there, so I can confirm that they are mostly, if not all, Aboriginal people.

The Adelaide City Council, to judge from the few media reports which I've seen, has been wringing, though not washing, its hands about them. The Council'sReconciliation Policy states:

Adelaide City Council acknowledges that we are meeting on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains.We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.

The Council has also given (or restored)
Aboriginal names to many parks .

I took the photo above today in Rundle Park/ Kadlitpinna ("Captain Jack"). It shows a public convenience with the camping equipment of the homeless/ Aboriginal people on the roof. Presumably they did this because the low level harassment they've endured for the time they've been there has given way way to the annual encroachment of the motor race and, to a lesser degree, the Fringe Festival, on the land they've reclaimed.

Is this the best the ACC can do?

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